Magma is a company that offers consulting and development of geophysical studies to recognize and characterize the different geological formations on which a specific project will be carried out.
Magma uses the geophysical technique that allows to define precisely the characteristics of the terrain, geological structure, locate areas that could be potentially dangerous (faults, fractures, cavities, leaks, contamination, etc.),

Magma offers the necessary technical support to cover the needs that arise in any project in which it is necessary to obtain detailed information on the characteristics of the materials or geological formations, geotechnically characterizing each one of them, defining their properties, structure or accidents that could affect to the safety of the project.
Magma offers its knowledge in projects of various kinds:
Mineral resources.
Linear work.

Magma works and collaborates with the most important and prestigious construction, engineering and consulting companies, offering the knowledge obtained over the years that allows addressing any problem with total security and solvency.

Magma was born as a consultancy and geophysical services company that offers all the knowledge obtained over the years, developing projects of various kinds in Spain and in countries around the world, in order to provide added value to the development of a project determined.

Avd. De España 101, Portal 5, 2ºA
28341 - Valdemoro (Madrid)
© 2021 by MAGMA & Salvador Pescador Sesmero